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The invisible time is becoming visible

Of course it is very difficult for me to give an accurate single definition for time.However, it appears that different peoples have given different definitions for Time. However, time can sometimes be explained in general as well as sometimes it can be unique from person to person.

That is why different people will see time differently.Although different people have different definitions and ideas, the most famous saying about time is that "time is like gold".Of course it is common to all of us and is absolutely true.To me personally, time is more precious than gold.Time pays off constantly.  But that payoff is difficult to pinpoint.  Time is not something that can be touched.  It has no taste, no smell, no color.  Therefore neither I nor you or anyone else reading this can explain its end or apparent decay as a physical object fades.Time flows as it pleases.  We cannot conclude what its beginning or end is.We have adjusted the measurements as hours, minutes, seconds, etc. for ease of identification and understanding as human beings in relation to the time flowing like this.

So, there is no limit also to the time measurement criteria we can set.The passing hours of this moment have passed, but then another new hour will dawn.  Those hours have passed, but after that another new hour will begin.However, it is not possible for us to look at this arbitrary time flowing arbitrarily.This is because no one born into this world has the ability to live indefinite time period arbitrarily.There is a definite time limit for everyone in this world.Actually it is Just like a manufacturer makes a product.Imagine that the product is a packet of biscuits bought at a store.

It has a production date as well as an expiration date.  It cannot be consumed after the expiration date.  Its existence, time ends thereby.  We humans are like that packet of biscuits.  We too were created for a specific time.  So we make use of the time limit we have.  Simply , this is called as "living."Production date is known but none of us know the expiration date. However, it is really questionable whether we are making proper use of the time limit given.

There are 24 hours for everyone from sunrise to sunset, but different people use it differently.  The result is the creation of different values ​​in the same 24 hours.So, time is an unlimited thing.  But as human beings, it is a limited thing if we apply it to ourselves individually. simply, it is amazing that time is absolutely infinite and relatively limited.

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